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All services are provided online or over the phone.

Individual Therapy

Here are some of the issues that you may be bringing into counselling, and some ways I can help.


  • Navigating major life changes: work, health, friendships, family, love, grief and loss…

  • Thinking through major decisions on the horizon

  • Helping you feel less alone with life’s challenges

  • Finding words to describe what you feel and why you feel that way

  • Navigating relationship issues, sudden or ongoing

  • Defining and accepting your desires, limitations, and boundaries

  • Support with making gradual and lasting changes in life

  • Support with trauma recovery: regaining a sense of safety, of balance, and of hope

  • Support with self-discovery: Who am I? What do I stand for? What is important to me? 

  • Improving self-esteem and improving self-respect 

  • Reconciling internal conflicts 

  • Relief from loneliness and isolation

  • Support to get “unstuck” and to go after what you want 

  • Support to find your voice and assert yourself

  • Support to ease up and embrace gentleness, patience



Relationship Therapy

Here are some of the issues that you may be bringing into counselling, and some ways I can help.



  • Deciding whether to work on the relationship or to part ways

  • Understanding “how did we get here?”

  • Having respectful and effective conversations

  • Accessing intimacy and gentleness

  • Exploring boundaries and limitations

  • Support to tell the truth and be forthcoming

  • Understanding shared values, opinions, and desires

  • Reconciling the tension arising from differences in values, opinions, and desires

  • Navigating the tension between self-interests and relationship-interests

  • Balancing togetherness and separateness

  • Defining desires, longings, limitations, and boundaries

  • Unpacking critical incidents, supporting helpful expressions of regret, acceptance, and forgiveness

  • Unpacking infidelity and facilitating recovery 

  • Support with non-monogamous relationship structures (various forms of polyamory, open relationships, RA)



Family Therapy

Here are some of the issues that you may be bringing into counselling, and some ways I can help.



  • Supporting parents to develop the skills they need to foster healthy relationships with one another and with their children

  • Supporting parents to define their values and effectively act upon these

  • Supporting parents to explore their own experiences of childhood: what do they want to carry forward? What cycles do they want to break?

  • Emotional support with the demanding role of parenting

  • Facilitating respectful and effective conversations with the people you care about

  • Exploring shared origins 

  • Exploring the roles we take on in relationships

  • Accessing gentleness and care

  • Defining hopes, limitations, and boundaries

  • Understanding shared values, opinions, and desires

  • Understanding the tension arising from differences in values, opinions, and desires

  • Support to tell the truth and be forthcoming

  • Unpacking critical incidents, supporting helpful expressions of regret, acceptance, and forgiveness 



Clinical Consultation

Here are some of the themes I can help you explore.


  • Developing your unique sensibilities and ways of working  

  • Positioning oneself effectively in the therapeutic relationship  

  • Case conceptualization and treatment planning 

  • Navigating clinical impasses, therapeutic ruptures, fatigue, and burnout 

  • Identifying appropriate expectations of clients, therapists, and therapy

  • Exploring biases, blind spots, and developing anti-oppressive practices

  • Developing sensitivity and a non-expert stance 

  • Developing ethical and viable business practices 

  • Navigating systems (workplace systems, funding systems, government systems) 





Consultation Groups (available by request)


Online consultation groups are available upon request. Collect a group of colleagues and contact Rachel to arrange a schedule. 


Consultation group sessions run 1.5hrs in length. Fees per 1.5hr session are $300+GST. A weekly or biweekly frequency is recommended. Minimum number of participants: 3. Maximum number of participants: 6.


Example: a series of six sessions would total $1800+GST, divided by the number of participants.

3 participants: $600+GST/person for six 1.5hr sessions

4 participants: $450+GST/person for six 1.5hr sessions

5 participants: $360+GST/person for six 1.5hr sessions

6 participants: $300+GST/person for six 1.5hr sessions




Apart from the foundational skills that counsellors are trained in (empathy, compassion, deep listening skills, etc.), here are some therapy modalities that I draw from.



EFT/EFCT: Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (Couples) 

This approach is known best for increasing emotional intimacy and understanding between partners through the development of secure attachments. It has been shown to be effective for a good number of couples in various stages (new partners, long term relationships, and in between), circumstances (lack of intimacy, lack of separateness, critical incidents including infidelity) and relationship structures (all iterations of monogamy and non-monogamy). 


Discernment Counselling (Couples) 

This approach is best suited to couples where the relationship is nearing collapse. It helps them make decisions about whether to engage in counselling or whether to separate.



EFFT: Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (Families)

This approach is known best for increasing a sense of emotional safety and support in families through the development of secure attachments. It particularly supports parents to take on effective, emotionally-supportive roles to their children. 



Triphasic therapy structure for trauma recovery (Individuals) 

        I. Safety and stabilization

        II. Processing

        III. Integration

This basic structure of trauma recovery is meant to promote well-being as quickly as possible in the aftermath of a traumatic event or series of events. Establishing safer circumstances and regulating the nervous system is the first aim, and following this, further steps to process and integrate the traumatic events can be taken. 



Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (Individuals, Couples) 

This therapy takes a somatic approach, meaning it works with sensations and impulses in the body. It is well understood that many trauma symptoms are felt (and live) in the body and can be released through somatic work. This approach uses the window of tolerance as a guide and helps create possibilities for nervous system regulation. It can also be used in the processing and integration phases.



EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (Individuals) 

This approach is particularly well-known for its use of eye movements, auditory signals, or tapping to support clients who wish to process traumatic incidents and memories. Before processing begins, a client will be supported to develop practices in safety and nervous system regulation, to ensure that the processing is successful. 



Parts-based therapies (Individuals, Couples)  e.g., Janina Fisher, IFS

These approaches develop greater understanding and reconciliation of internal psychological conflicts. For example, in a difficult relationship we may have one part of us that desires resolution, and another part of us that is ready to cut and run. With a parts-based approach, we come to accept and understand these opposing impulses, we foster self-compassion and curiosity for them, and we work to gradually to find more effective responses to difficult situations. It can serve to unblock certain parts of us, or to calm parts of us that are overactive and causing us issues in life. Parts-based approaches can be particularly effective in trauma recovery, and with individuals experiencing structural dissociation.



© Rachel Friederichsen 2024

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